AI Powered Pricing
for Ecommerce

Pricing that delights customers and increases revenue

The Ecommerce Pricing Problem


Pricing is a double edged sword

Raise prices, lose customers
Lower prices, lose profit


Pricing is a moving target

Consumer trends are fickle
Cost of doing business changes


Ecommerce has unfair competition

Big players have pricing teams
Trying to steal your customers

The Price Perfect Solution

What is Price Perfect?

  • An AI powered pricing app for your shop that continuously adapts prices to market trends
  • Optimizes regular prices, discounts, and bundle prices
  • Maximizes both your profit and customer satisfaction

Benefits for E-commerce Merchants

  • Saves time by eliminating manual A/B testing and price adjustments
  • Beats competitor pricing strategies by using advanced AI, not just matching competitor prices
  • Provides a significant competitive edge at an affordable price

We have delivered $1B+ in value from AI powered pricing

Beat the competition with smarter pricing

Get a free 14-day trial at the introductory price of



per month

What you will get

  • Happier, more loyal customers
  • Increased Average Order Value (AOV)
  • Peace of mind knowing your pricing is handled

What you will avoid

  • Lagging market trends
  • Getting stuck in price wars
  • Being outdone by large competitors
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